Lord, this is my family, these are my friends, and those I love. First Lord, I ask that You would place them in Your hands and allow my life to be a light to them.

Of the order that You have placed mankind, that Man should be the head of his house leading his family to You, never let me forget Your love for me, that while I was a sinner, You died on Calvary.
Lord, help me to know the importance of coming to You, giving my life to You, and being a partaker of Your Holy Word. It is Your Word that helps me to realize that if my ways please You, I can ask anything in the name of Jesus, and it shall be done. 

Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You be with those I love, and forever watch over them. Help me to know that they are in Your hands and to trust in Your guidance. 

Never let me forget how much I need You, for You are the God that made the world and everything therein. The Almighty God, the Holy God, the Merciful God, My Savior, the Giver of Life, and My Deliverer. 

Father, as Jabez called upon You, it is my prayer that You would enlarge my coast and bless me indeed. Let Your hand be with me and keep me from harm so that evil cannot come near me, for it is Your good pleasure to give me the kingdom. 

Because of Your uplifting love for me, it is Your hand that I seek for the destiny of my loved ones. 
